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Considerations for Meaningful Cremations

If you’re planning a cremation, consider these 5 things to support productive grief

Memorializing the loss of a loved one is a critical component of productive grieving which enables bereaved people to find closure and move forward in life. Research shows that omitting memorialization bears heavy consequences for the family over time. 

How to Avoid Cremation Risks

Understanding the disadvantages of a poorly planned cremation

There are several driving factors for this unprecedented shift. The majority of people still cite cost-effectiveness as their primary reason for choosing cremation, with the second most commonly cited reason being “ease, simplicity, and convenience.” Add to this the steady movement away from tightly bound communities of faith and the lifting of…

Why Choose Cremation?

Understanding the advantages of cremation’s flexibility

More and more families are opting for cremation over burial. Although the majority of people cite lower cost as their primary impetus for cremation, there are other lesser known advantages. Because funeral services provide support and comfort to the grieving, the flexibility of cremation in scheduling, proximity, and creativity can…

Understanding Veteran Funeral Benefits

The Veteran's Guide to Funeral Pre-planning

Navigating the complexities of funeral pre-planning can be a daunting task, particularly for veterans and their families. Many veterans have heard conflicting accounts of which funeral benefits they are entitled to so there are a lot of misconceptions around the subject.